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Community Health Awareness Group



CAM (Coordinated Assessment Model)


CAM Detroit helps people experiencing homelessness find shelter and access housing resources. Anyone without a safe place to sleep for the night, can go to CAM for assistance. (

A large network of services meant to help people who are homeless or facing homelessness find shelter and housing. They help with financial assistance, emergency housing, transitional housing, eviction prevention, and more. Calling this number will connect you with a specialist where an intake will be taken over the phone. If no one answers, you may have to call again. Their hours are 9AM-6PM Monday-Friday, 10AM-3PM on Saturday, closed Sunday.

Phone: 313-305-0311

Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, 9AM-5PM | Wed 11AM-5PM

CAM Resource Guide (pdf)

City of Detroit Housing and Revitalization Dept.

A list of resources to help you find and maintain you housing.


Community Housing Network

​​A nonprofit that provides housing and resources to people who live in southeast Michigan who are homeless/facing homelessness, disabled, and/or have low income.


​Phone: 248-928-0111

Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30AM-4:30PM

440 Burroughs St., Detroit, MI 48202, or 5505 Corporate Drive, Troy, MI 48089


Current Housing Assistance Resources (HUD)

This is a PDF of federal housing resources, primarily for homeless people, as well as information about Michigan specific supportive housing resources and other federal programs such as SSI/SSDI.

Homeless Veteran Hotline (CAM)

This hotline can connect homeless veterans to transitional housing, emergency shelter, case management services, and financial assistance. Call this number at 8AM-6PM Sunday-Saturday.

Phone: 313-576-1580

Hours: 8:00AM-6:00PM

Emmanuel House


This housing project is transitional housing for homeless veterans. They work with the VA to assist people in getting the resources and skills necessary to find employment. Housing is drug free, and usually for those who are living with mental illness. Other services offered include emergency shelter, mental health support and substance use recovery. Clients have their mental health assessed and are referred out for further treatment when they enter into the transitional housing.

Phone: 313-397-2372

Hours: 24 Hours

14750 Saint Marys St, Detroit, Michigan 48227

Detroit Rescue Mission

​​Detroit Rescue Mission provides emergency shelter, warming centers, permanent housing, and substance use recovery assistance, including counseling and detoxification. There are several locations that provide services for men and women.

Phone: 313-993-4700

Hours: 8:30AM-5:00PM Monday-Friday

150 Stimson Street, Detroit, MI 48201

Homeless Action Network Detroit (HAND)

HAND provides information about permanent supportive housing, rapid rehousing, and other services for those who are homeless. They also coordinate services between other agencies dedicated to helping people who are homeless.

Phone: 313-964-3666 or 313-484-4449

3701 Miracles Blvd. Suite 101 Detroit, MI 48201

Link-Up Detroit

A nonprofit dedicated to helping people in the Detroit area with HIV get access to healthcare, medication, counseling, and other essential services.

Phone: 313-410-5617 (call or text)

Detroit Housing Coordinator Contact


​​Detroit Eviction Prevention (CAM)

A program to help people facing eviction who have received a notice to quit, a court order summons, complaint or judgement. Renters will qualify based on family size and income. Call 888-783-8190 for support outside of the Detroit, Hamtramck, and Highland Park areas.

Phone: 313-224-6380 or 866-313-2520

Hours: 8:30AM – 4:30PM Monday-Friday

Housing and Revitalization Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, 2 Woodward Avenue - Suite 908 Detroit, MI 48226

DHD Housing Resources for Immediate, Renters, and Homeowners  - Eviction/Foreclosure Help

(PDF File)-



Furniture Bank of Southeast Michigan

A nonprofit that helps people who have low income furnish their homes. In order to purchase furniture, you must have a referral. Some places you can call for referrals are Lighthouse at 248-920-6000 (9:30AM-3:00PM Monday-Friday), People’s Outreach at 313-870-9422 (11:00AM-3:00PM Monday-Thursday), God’s Old school Ministries at 313-368-1150, or any Department of Human Services agency.



Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00AM-4:00PM, Fri 9:00AM-12:00PM

333 North Perry Street, Pontiac, MI 48342

Building Beds 4 Kids

A nonprofit group of volunteers that work with Distribution Partners to identify families in need. Distribution Partners include religious organizations, public and private agencies, community groups or sometimes just caring individuals who choose to help families in need. 

The Mission is Simple: We Provide Beds to Kids Who Have No Bed.


​​Affordable Housing Search Engine

This is a search engine for Section 8 housing.


Habitat for Humanity

​​Habitat for Humanity provides a variety of community services, such as neighborhood revitalization, building and repairing new homes for families, providing restored and affordable furniture, financial education, home construction, natural disaster relief, and housing support for the elderly.

Phone: 800-422-4828 or 313-521-6691 for Detroit’s location

14325 Jane Ave, Detroit, MI 48205

Subsidized Housing Guide

A fully comprehensive guide to subsidized housing in Michigan, provided by Michigan Legal Help.

Section 8 Guide

DHC written guide to Section 8 housing in Detroit.

Section 8 Eligibility Calculator

A tool used to determine Section 8 eligibility.

Plymouth Housing Commission

PHC manages Section 8 and subsidized housing in Plymouth. Housing Choice Voucher Program Waiting List for the Plymouth Housing Commission is currently closed indefinitely, however they may be able to help with other housing resources in Plymouth.

Phone: 734-455-3670,

Hours: 9:00AM-4:00PM Monday-Friday

1160 Sheridian, Plymouth, MI 48170

NID Housing Counseling Agency


NID Housing is a HUD-approved program that helps people through different housing processes, such as applying for rentals, mortatages, and even selling property. These counseling programs are very low to no cost.

Phone: 510-268-9792



Freedom House

This agency helps people with people who are seeking asylum from around the world in the United States and Canada. They help to connect people to permanent, unsubsidized housing. Affirmative cases are granted asylum, where they are given legal aid and job placement upon living in the Freedom House.

Phone: 313-964-4320

Hours: Open 24 hours

1777 N. Rademacher, Detroit, MI 48209


Here to Help
(Wayne and Oakland County)

A nonprofit that offers a variety of services, such as emergency financial support that includes help with energy bills, car repairs, furniture, and more. Email is the best way to contact them.

In order to qualify, you must be living in Wayne or Oakland County and have a state ID or license with your current address, and cannot be a contributing cause to your own emergency. Help provided cannot be a temporary solution, meaning that after receiving services, you will be able to continue to cover your expenses. A police report is needed if the state of your emergency was caused by a crime, and services cannot be provided if a problem is still being actively disputed (such as a landlord makes a mistake on your bill). If you are capable of working, you must be employed and be able to provide four weeks of pay stubs at your current job.

If you qualify and are seeking assistance with rent, your current income must be enough to cover your monthly expenses. This means that if you need help with security deposit or move in costs, only apply after you have been approved to move in. If you receive rental assistance already, such as Section 8, do not apply until your place of living has been approved by your rental assistance, and that the place of residence has passed inspection. Unfortunately, they cannot assist unless their help will be able to zero the balance owed. You cannot owe money to your previous landlord and seek money to help pay your prior landlord. Current utility bills must also be up to date. It is suggested that State Emergency relief may be able to assist you if you have an eviction, so reach out to them if that is what you need assistance with.

Given the complexity of who can qualify for assistance through this program, it is recommended you look at the website provided, and reach out to them by phone or email to confirm that you qualify.


Hours: Open 24/7

Water Utility Help
Water Shut Off Moratorium Ends 12/31/22


For low income help:

DWSD Lifeline program for water utility assistance

If you don't qualify for low income and have a past due balance:

Enroll at


Housing Locator


A website where people can locate housing based on rent, accessibility, type of housing, and other options.

Phone: 517-335-9925

Detroit Housing Commission


DHC provides extensive information about housing programs and affordable housing development in the Detroit Metropolitan area.


Phone: 313-877-8807 8:30AM-3:00PM Monday-Friday, or administration at 313-877-8000 9:00AM-4:30PM Monday-Friday

2211 Orleans, Detroit, Michigan 48207, or Administration Building 1301 East Jefferson, Detroit, Michigan 48207

Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA)

MSHDA provides a wide variety of resources and loans to help people achieve and maintain home ownership. Through their website people can find information about financial assistance, rules and regulations for landlords and developers, and homelessness assistance.

Phone: 313-456-3540

Hours: 8:00AM-5:00PM


3028 W Grand Blvd, Detroit, MI 48202

(Contact Eric Dusenbury for homeownership assistance at, and Dina Harris for National Faith Homebuyers at 313-255-2500 or at

MSHDA Program Guide


A fully comprehensive guide to different programs available through MSHDA.

Central City Integrated Health Housing Assistance



Lakeshore Legal Services


A nonprofit law firm that helps people who are low income, seniors, or survivors of domestic violence or assault.

Phone: 888-783-8190


Michigan Legal Help


A group dedicated to providing Michigan residents with legal support, such as those who are facing eviction. Their website has several self-help guides when navigating legal systems. Their website covers things such as housing, debt, public assistance, crime, taxes, immigration, and more.

Phone: 888-783-8190

United Community Housing Coalition


An agency that helps maintain their housing, primarily by providing legal support. Renters can access services that help with tax foreclosure, homeowner solutions, housing relocation, advocacy, and legal assistance.

Phone: 313-963-3310 or 313-355-3352 (eviction prevention hotline)

Hours: 8:30AM-5:00PM Monday-Friday

2727 Second Ave, Suite 313 Detroit, MI 48201



An organization that offers advocacy and legal support for LGBT people, people with HIV, and people who are aging adults. In particular, they help people access the care and housing that they need.

Phone: 877-360-5428



City of Detroit HIV Program - HIV Assistance

Link-Up Michigan

A nonprofit dedicated to helping people in Michigan with HIV get access to healthcare, medication, counseling, and other essential services.

Phone: 517-335-9006


Cass House

Housing for people living with HIV and mental illness. Residents are provided with meals, extensive case management, and have access to helpful staff 24/7. Cass House cannot be visited without going through the intake process first. Referrals are done through the CAM hotline at 313-305-0311, or call one of the numbers listed for Cass.

Phone: 313-883-2277 ex.500

Hours: 9:00AM-5:00PM Monday-Friday


11745 Rosa Parks Blvd. Detroit, MI 48206

Cass House is confidential permanent support


Clinton Township Housing Commission


Public housing and Section 8 for residents of Clinton Township through the CTHC. They also oversee the public housing properties of 34987 Village Road, Clinton Township, 48035.

Phone: 586-791-7000 or 586-447-9124 for after hours


Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) Guide


The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program provides housing assistance to low income families and individuals. Section 8 vouchers allow recipients to choose housing that meets the program’s requirements. Typically, households with income that does not exceed 50% of the area’s median income will be eligible to apply. Contact a public housing agency (PHA) in order to apply for Section 8.


The PHA you go to will determine if you qualify, and an application will be provided to you. It is important to closely follow the instructions for the application and answer all required questions to ensure that the application is accepted. Ask a case manager or someone at the PHA if you need assistance acquiring the necessary information.


After a few months, the application is processed and applicants will be either accepted or put on a waiting list that can be up to one or two years. Once the Section 8 voucher is received, the family is only required to pay 30% of their income (or at least $50) for rent and utilities. The remaining costs are then covered up until a certain payment standard is met according to your PHA.


Any housing can be chosen, even one’s current residence, so as long as it meets program requirements. Housing must be of a reasonable size and rent, and must meet certain Housing Quality Standards (HQS). HQS are based off of basic sanitary needs (such as functional bathrooms, trash disposal, and running water), basic needs (air quality, electricity, lighting, access, temperature control, functional kitchen), and safety (smoke detectors, surrounding area, lead-free paint and, overall cleanliness).



Project-Based Housing


Project-Based Housing is part of the Housing Choice Voucher Program, and it provides affordable housing in rental units that are privately owned. The rental assistance is applied to the property rather than the tenant, so if you move out, you no longer receive the subsidized housing. Similar to standard Section 8 vouchers, participants will only pay about 30% of the household’s gross income. Additionally, Project-Based Housing is also required to meet HQS.


To see if you qualify, contact your local PHA. You can apply to the individual properties that participate in the Project-Based Housing. There is often a waitlist, and like with all assistance programs, it’s important to stay in contact with the property manager and any relevant case managers to ensure that your application is efficiently processed.



Homeownership Programs


Recipients of the HCV are able to use their voucher to buy a home and receive monthly financial assistance. Many times this includes a down payment grant and then help towards paying off a mortgage. As stated before, the home that is desired to purchase must meet HQS.


The family or individual receiving Section 8 must meet certain employment and income requirements (with the exception of elderly, and/or disabled people), be a first-time homeowner, complete a housing counseling program, and meet any additional requirements set by the agency or PHA. These details will vary depending on the PHA or agency participating, so it is important to reach out to the agencies available to you to see who will be the most helpful to you.





Accessing affordable housing can be a bit tricky to apply for, but it’s extremely helpful to those who receive it. Here are some tips that will help the process go by smoothly for you.


  • Stay in contact--make sure that you stay connected with people who are helping you apply for HCV, or your case manager if you have one. Respond to letters and calls as promptly as possible letters and calls sent out about HCV, particularly those about updates to the waitlist, or needs for further information are important. The people involved in your applications will not be able to help you find housing if they can’t reach you, and you may miss important updates, risk having your case closed, or get removed from the waitlist. Update your contact information as necessary. This is important not only for HCV related needs, but in general for accessing opportunities, such as employment, other housing options, medical services, and education.

  • Apply for an Earned Income Disregard (EID)--this will allow you to work without having to worry about your rent increasing for the first year you start working. For more details, contact your local PHA.

  • Keep everything on file--the information that you will need for the HCV application is important and similar to what many programs will ask you for. Hold onto this information in a secure place that is accessible for you, and include copies of any letters and applications you apply to for future reference.

  • Use everything you have access to--never be afraid to ask for help, and apply to multiple PHAs and agencies if necessary. They can help you apply, find and receive whatever services that you need, and walk you through how to apply for various applications.



This EHE project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award of $4,550,813.00. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government

Eviction Foreclosure Help
Home Repair Help
Affordable Housing
Asylum Seekers
Emergency Financial Help
Housing Locator
Legal Assistance
HIV Assistance
Homeless Resources
Other Counties
Housing Choice Voucher Program

CARES Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency

Over 50 locations available, call for the appropriate one for you

A large variety of resources and services are available through CARES, such as water, energy, housing, community, and food assistance, and children, family, job, education services, and more.

Phone: 313-388-9799



Cass Community Social Services

Cass provides a variety of supportive services based in Detroit, including providing housing to people who are disabled and/or homeless, emergency shelter, helping with food scarcity, job programs, free health clinic, and more. Cass has a variety of permanent supportive housing options for families and individuals. Reach out to the housing specialist for more information about accessing permanent supportive housing. Go through the CAM hotline at 313-305-0311 to access shelter, or other services.

Phone: 313-883-2277

Hours: 9:00AM-5:00PM Monday-Friday or 313-883-2277 ex.401 for a outreach specialist

11850 Woodrow Wilson St, Detroit, MI 48206


Detroit Health Department Housing Assistance Payment Initiative

Wayne County Only

Provides financial assistance for low income households, including single persons, for those who rent from the private housing market in Wayne County. You may be placed on a waiting list for services. Services typically start with an intake, and then you will be assigned a housing specialist.

Phone: 313-876-0612



Helping Hands

A nonprofit that can help with financial burdens such as car repairs


Operation Get Down

Transitional housing for those with living with mental illness and recovering from substance use disorders. They have a re-entry program and homeless shelter, and provide counseling services for clients and the client’s loved ones. Referrals available only through the CAM hotline.

Phone: 313-921-9422

Hours: 9:00AM-5:00PM Monday-Friday, (313-305-0311 for CAM)

10100 Harper Ave. Detroit, MI 48213

Pure Recovery

This program offers transitional housing for those recovering from substance use disorders. They have six additional locations around the Detroit area, five of which are for men, and one is for people who are LGBT. After calling Mr. Simmons, he will direct you to call Detroit Wayne Integrated Health.

Phone: 313-231-6049 (P. Simmons), 1-800-241-4949 (Detroit Wayne Integrated Health)

Hours: 9:00 AM-5:00PM Monday-Saturday

19436 Packard St. Detroit, MI 48234


Ruth Ellis Center

77 Victor Street, Highland Park MI 48203

Provides a variety of social services for LGBTIA+ youth and young adults, including housing and temporary shelter, trauma informed care, and access to health and wellness related services.

Phone: 313-252-1950

Hours: 9:00AM-5:00PM Monday-Friday

Southwest Solutions


Housing Solutions 1920 25th Street, Detroit, MI 48216

There are several more locations, call the first number to see which location is appropriate for your needs.

A nonprofit agency that offers a wide variety of services, such as affordable mental health services for all ages, including families, many services for homeless people, assistance for Veterans, workforce development resources including education, small business, home ownership financial assistance, and more.

Phone: 248-640-0352, or 313-841-3727 for Housing Solutions

Hours: 8:30AM-5:00PM Monday-Friday



Team Wellness


Team Wellness has several locations, all of which have many different services. Services range from emergency shelter, mental health support, peer support, re-entry programs, employment programs, 24 hour crisis support, dental care, and more. Emergency shelter is provided to those who show up by 7:00PM if there is space available, and/or a free dinner if people show up by 5:00PM. No identification is necessary.


313-396-5300 Eastern Market location,

734-324-8326 Southgate location, or 313-331-3435 East Detroit, or 888-813-8326 general inquiries (hours vary)

888-813-8326 for 24 hour emergency hotline

Emergency Shelter 3646 Mt Elliot Detroit, MI 48207

Eastern Market 2925 Russell St. Detroit, MI 48207

Southgate 14799 Dix-Toledo Rd. Southgate, MI 48195

East Team Wellness Center 6309 Mack Ave. Detroit MI, 48207




Clinton Township Housing Commission

Public housing and Section 8 for residents of Clinton Township through the CTHC. They also oversee the public housing properties of 34987 Village Road, Clinton Township, 48035.

Phone: 586-791-7000 or 586-447-9124 for after hours


Eastpointe Housing Commission

​​EHC has housing programs for those who live in Eastpointe, such as Section 8 and housing for seniors. They provide public housing, recreational centers, and have two senior housing centers as well. Residents must be 62+ years old. Applications are available online.

Phone: 586-445-5099

Hours: 8:00AM-4:30PM Monday-Friday

15701 Nine Mile Road, Eastpointe, 48021


Macomb Community Action 

MCA provides a wide variety of resources and services to those in Macomb County, such as senior assistance programs that cover transportation, a variety of nutritional needs, adult day center, housing maintenance, and assistance in getting mobility devices. There are also services to help children through early education and nutritional needs, and other programs involving home repair, transportation, weatherization assistance, emergency financial solutions, and more. Applicants must live in Macomb County.

Phone: 586-469-6999

Hours: 8:30AM-5:00PM Monday-Friday


21885 Dunham Road, Suite 10, Clinton Township, 48036


New Haven Housing Commission

NHHC helps residents find affordable housing through Section 8.


Phone: 586-749-6570 or 586-749-6570

30100 John Rivers, New Haven, 48048


Roseville Housing Commission

Through the RHC low income housing is available to those who live in Roseville, as well as neighborhood beautification programs.

Phone: 586-778-1360

Hours: 8:30AM-5:00PM Monday-Friday


St. Clair Shores Housing Commission

SCSHC provides low income housing for St. Clair Shores residents, including housing specifically for disabled people and seniors. There are many housing options specifically for seniors to choose from. Section 8 Applicants can apply online through their website.

Phone: 586-773-9200

Hours: 8:30AM-5:00PM Monday-Friday

1000 Blossom Heath Blvd. St. Clair Shores, 48080

Counties: Macomb, Clinton, Monroe, Oakland,  St. Clair, Lapeer



Luna Pier Housing Commission

LPHC provides public housing for seniors and those with disabilities who live in Luna Pier. To begin the application process, applicants must call the number provided.

Phone: 734-848-2355

10885 Ellen Street Luna Pier, Monroe County, 48157


Monroe Housing Commission


MHA provides public housing and Section 8 housing to those living in Monroe County. People who qualify also have other opportunities, such as free lunches, community activities, senior legal services, summer programs for children, and more. For applicants who are looking for housing, they may be subject to a credit score check on the main income provider in a household, a rental history check on all adult household members, and a criminal background check on adult household members. Applicants will additionally be evaluated based on their history of meeting financial obligations, ability to maintain safe living conditions, history of alcohol use, history of complaints from neighbors. Applicants must have a social security card or be certified that they do not have one, must be within the low-income limit set by HUD, and every member in the household must be either a citizen, national, or an eligible immigrant.

Phone: 734-242-5880

Hours: 8:30AM-12:00PM, 1:00PM-4:30PM Monday-Friday

20 North Roessler, Monroe, 48162




Community Housing Network of Oakland County’s Subsidized Housing Guide

​A subsidized housing guide available through CHN.


Ferndale Housing Commission

FHC assists in providing affordable housing to Ferndale residents, including through Section 8. Email is the fastest way to contact them.


Phone: 248-547-9500 9:00AM-5:00PM

Hours: Monday-Friday or 248-565-3515 for emergency maintenance

415 Withington, Ferndale, MI 48220



An extensive nonprofit group that offers a collection of services throughout Oakland and Livingston County. These services include, but are not limited to housing services (homeownership education, foreclosure prevention and property tax delinquency, refrigerator replacement, support for veteran families, housing assistance for people with HIV, emergency mortgage or rent assistance, utility assistance, and weatherization assistance), economic security related programs, food assistance, homelessness case management and shelter referrals, child raising support, HIV supportive services, and many educational opportunities. Below are numbers you can call for assistance in specific areas.

Main lines: 248-209-2600 or 248-542-5860

Emergency gas/electric support: 248-479-6516

Water utility support: 313-386-9727

Emergency nutritional support: 517-404-6020

Women, Infant, & Children (WIC): 877-526-2438

Early Childhood Enrollment: 248-935-1796 (north oakland), or 248-470-8019 (south oakland)

Veteran supportive services: 517-599-6954


Pontiac Housing Commission

PHC provides housing through Section 8 and other supportive programs for residents of Pontiac. Section 8 eligibility is listed on the website.

Phone: 248-338-4551

Hours: 9:00AM-5:00PM Monday-Friday

132 Franklin Boulevard, Pontiac, 48341


Royal Oak Housing Commission


ROHC has signup for Section 8 and a list of affordable housing in Royal Oak available through their website.

Phone: 248-246-3290

211 Williams Street, Royal Oak, 48067





Port Huron Housing Commission

PHHC provides public housing and Section 8 for those living in Port Huron, and eligibility for these programs is detailed on their website. There is also information about other services on their website, such as public computers and grants available to help improve people’s opportunities in life.


Phone: 810-984-6430

Hours: 7:30AM-5:00PM Monday-Thursday


905 Seventh St, Port Huron, 48060


St Clair County Senior Resource Guide

A comprehensive guide to the resources available to seniors and those with disabilities living in St Clair County.


Lapeer County

Lapeer Housing Commission


For public housing:


10:00AM-12:00PM Monday & Thursday, 10:00AM-12:00PM first Friday every month, Wednesday by appointment

544 N. Saginaw Street, Suite 106, Lapeer 48446 or

For housing commission:

544 N. Saginaw Street, Suite 106, Lapeer 48446

810-245-4226 8:00AM-4:00PM Monday & Thursday, Wednesday by appointment

For housing choice voucher/Section 8:

810-664-059 or 810-245-4220

For housing improvement:

810-245-4226 8:00AM-4:00PM Monday & Thursday, Wednesday 8:00AM-12:00PM, 810-245-4212 for housing grants, 810-245-4221 for neighborhood development for housing grants, for neighborhood development

544 N. Saginaw Street, Suite 109 Lapeer 48446

LPC is committed to providing safe and affordable housing for those who live in Lapeer County. It provides Section 8 housing, as well as provides public housing for seniors. It also offers a variety of loans that include a Neighborhood Enhancement Program, which can be used to provide money for driveways and roofs for single family homes that are 120% under the area’s median income, the Rural Development Housing Preservation Grant, which provides money to update aging parts of their home as long as they are at least within 80% of the average median income, other property improvement loans, rental assistance, and homebuyer assistance.


United Way


United Way now has a location in Lapeer County, providing things such as utility and rental assistance, housing, shelter, and more. Must directly call to start the process for getting assistance.


Phone: 211 or 810-667-2912

Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00AM-5:00PM

3333 John Conley Dr, Ste 102 Lapeer 48446

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